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Month: May 2018

The Art Of Compromise: Reconciling Wildly Different Spending Habits

The Art Of Compromise: Reconciling Wildly Different Spending Habits

Two pigeons silhouetted on a roofline with their backs to one another, symbolizing a marital disagreement over spending habits.
Argue” by jiunn kang too, CC BY-SA 2.0 license

Finding and maintaining your balance on the save vs. spend tightrope can be difficult if you share your finances with a spouse or significant other. Particularly if the two of you possess differing views or attitudes about money.

One of the great mysteries of life is that all of us are born as either natural savers or spenders. And while some birds of a feather may fly together, the old “opposites attract” idiom is proof enough that this isn’t always the case.

If the spending habits of your significant other ruffle your feathers, read on to learn how Mrs. FFP (a spender) and I (a saver) managed to reconcile our wildly different spending habits as newlyweds. Continue Reading

A High Stakes Balancing Act: Mastering The Save vs. Spend Tightrope

A High Stakes Balancing Act: Mastering The Save vs. Spend Tightrope

A tightrope walker high in the air, illustrating the high stakes of striking the right balance between savings goals and discretionary spending in your budget.
Get The Balance Right” by Marquette LaForest, CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 license

How much of your discretionary income should you save? And how much of it is okay to spend on splurges and guilty pleasures?

These are loaded questions, and one-size-fits-all formulas aren’t the answer. These questions can only be answered by you, and you alone. Your unique personality, financial goals, and income level are all contributing factors.

Properly weighting your saving and discretionary spending is a balancing act with high stakes. Lean too far towards spending, and you put your financial freedom at risk. But save too aggressively, and you may find yourself chafing under a budget that feels restrictive rather than freeing.

This article will help you find your footing on the save vs spend tightrope. Continue Reading

Super Mushrooms: Powering Up With Mint Savings Goals

Super Mushrooms: Powering Up With Mint Savings Goals

A cluster of orange mushrooms, representing the similarities between the effects of Super Mushrooms on Mario and the effects of savings goals on your finances.
Photo by Phil59 , CC0 1.0 license

Today we’re going all the way back to 1985 to take a lesson from the most iconic video game in history – Nintendo’s original Super Mario Bros.

We just finished examining how to build a savings goal ladder rung-by-rung which will enable you to reach the finer things in life. But before you can put this ladder to use, you need to know a few tips and tricks regarding how to manage the impact of Mint savings goals on your monthly budget.

If budgeting in Mint was a video game, think of this article as your guide to beating the savings goal level. By the end, you’ll be capable of using Mint savings goals to power up your finances just like Mario powers up with Super Mushrooms. Continue Reading

Reach The Finer Things In Life: Build Your Ladder To Financial Freedom

Reach The Finer Things In Life: Build Your Ladder To Financial Freedom

A ladder in an apple orchard, indicating the need to construct a ladder from savings goals to reach some of the finer things in life.
Photo by lumix2004, CC0 1.0 license

If you’ve ever had the privilege of picking fruit fresh from the tree, you know that the biggest and tastiest morsels are often located in the very upper-most, hardest-to-reach branches.

While frustrating, this should come as no great surprise given the abundance of fresh air and sunlight available at the top of each tree. Reaching this fruit requires both determination and, in most cases, a ladder. But the juicy reward makes the effort expended well worth it.

Just like grade-A fruit, financial freedom doesn’t always come easy. Obtaining it requires both intentionality and the right tools. With this in mind, today we’re reviewing how to build a savings goal ladder rung-by-rung that will enable you to obtain financial freedom and reach the finer things in life. Continue Reading