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Month: July 2018

Your 26-Step Blueprint For Building A Bullet-Proof Budget

Your 26-Step Blueprint For Building A Bullet-Proof Budget

Close-up of the track on an army tank, symbolizing the benefits of creating a heavily-armored budget.
Follow these steps to bullet-proof your budget like a heavily-armored tank.
Photo by AlexVan, CC0 1.0 license

There are few things on a battlefield more powerful or intimidating than an army tank. They’re mobile, possess incredible firepower, and are heavily-armored. And whether it be in the form of sand, mud, water, or barbed wire, they can overcome practically any obstacle.

When building your personal budget, your goal should be to model it after a tank. You’ll want it to be easy to maneuver, powerful, difficult to knock off-track, and capable of surmounting any obstacle between you and your financial goals.

This comprehensive guide will provide you with the 26 steps to building a bullet-proof budget and creating a money management system that is virtually unstoppable. Continue Reading

Smooth Sailing: Simplify Your Life With Automatic Bill Pay

Smooth Sailing: Simplify Your Life With Automatic Bill Pay

A sailboat on a serene mountain lake, illustrating how automatic bill pay offers you the chance for leisure and a simplified life.
Photo by danielbuescher, CC0 1.0 license

Work. Errands. Relationships. Kids. Sometimes there’s simply too much going on to keep it all straight. The time demands of life in modern society can make it easy to feel like life is living you these days, rather than the other way around.

When was the last time you talked to someone who mentioned their excessive amount of leisure time, or how well they were able to remember all of their to-do’s? If your social circles are anything like mine, these interactions are few and far between.

With this in mind, who wouldn’t jump at the chance for some additional free time or a few less things to remember? Automatic bill pay offers you the opportunity to simplify your life and obtain both in the process. Continue Reading